Impedance measurement function(factory option)

PLZ-5WZ Series



  • The all-new PLZ-5WZ series allows for easily configured impedance measurements with dedicated impedance measurement software.
  • Impedance measurements are made during discharge, allowing for real-time measurement of impedance values from the DUT.
  • Capable of R, jX, θ, and Z measurements.
  • Measures AC frequency from 100 Hz – 10 kHz (seven fixed settings) and signal levels can be set arbitrarily.
  • Equipped with a voltage slope correction function that minimizes the effect of voltage slope during during battery discharge tests.
  • Zero adjustment function allows for increased accuracy during critical impedance measurements.
  • Measurement results and graphical information can be copied directly from the application software to programs like Excel.

ImageSKURated operating voltage [V]Rating current [A]Rating Power [W]標準価格WEBかんたんお見積り
PLZ205WZ0.25 to 15040200399,000
PLZ405WZ0.25 to 15080400483,000
PLZ1205WZ0.25 to 1502401200735,000


ImageSKURated operating voltage [V]Rating current [A]Rating Power [W]標準価格WEBかんたんお見積り
PLZ205WZ0.25 to 15040200399,000
PLZ405WZ0.25 to 15080400483,000
PLZ1205WZ0.25 to 1502401200735,000


Except for the impedance measurement function, the specifications are as per PLZ-5W series product specifications; please check with PLZ-5W Series.


Application software Imp. Meas. for PLZ-5WZ (accessory)

Imp. Meas. for PLZ-5WZ

Measurement condition diagram

Example of system construction

Impedance measurement function

Impedance measurement function has been added as a factory option for the electronic load PLZ-5W series.Impedance measurement can be easily performed without creating a program by simply using the attached application software Imp. Meas. for PLZ-5WZ.

Measurement function

Measurement function

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ItemDescriptionConditions & remarks
Measurement AC frequency100 Hz, 200 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHzSeven fixed settings
Measurement AC current (Meas Curr.)0.1 % to 10 % of the DC load current (load curr.)Set as a percentage
Measurement time50 ms to 5 sDepends on the measurement AC frequency.
Measurement itemsR, X, |Z|, θθ is calculated from R and X.
Measurement averageAverages 1 to 16 measured values.Function available when using application
Zero adjustment (0 ADJ)Zero adjustment on the DUT voltage sensing endFunction available when using application
V Slope CancelEliminates the effect that the slope of the DUT voltage caused by discharge has on measurementsComplete elimination is not possible if the slope is nonlinear
Measurement method2-phase lock-in amplifier methodBased on digital computation.
Operating environmentWindows7/Windows10 (32 bit/64 bit) 

Measurement accuracy

[Conditions] *Ambient temperature: 18°C to 28°C * DUT: Reference resistance *Bias power supply: 12 V 54 Ah lead battery *Measurement AC current: Depends on DUT impedance (refer to the following table).

Voltage range at L range (15 V)

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Percentage of ±Z readout valueMeasurement AC frequency
DUT impedanceMeasurement AC current100 Hz, 200 Hz, 500 Hz1 kHz, 2 kHz5 kHz, 10 kHz
1.0 mΩ to 9.9 mΩ500 mArms or more±(5% of reading+0.5mΩ)±(5%of reading+0.5mΩ)
10.0 mΩ to 99.9 mΩ250 mArms or more±(5% of reading+0.5mΩ)±(5%of reading+0.5mΩ)
100.0 mΩ to 1000.0 mΩ150 mArms or more±(2% of reading+0.5mΩ)±(3%of reading+0.5mΩ)

Voltage range at H range (150 V)

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Percentage of ±Z readout valueMeasurement AC frequency
DUT impedanceMeasurement AC current100 Hz, 200 Hz, 500 Hz1 kHz, 2 kHz5 kHz, 10 kHz
1.0 mΩ to 9.9 mΩ2 Arms or more±(5% of reading+0.5mΩ)±(5%of reading+0.5mΩ)
10.0 mΩ to 99.9 mΩ500 mArms or more±(5% of reading+0.5mΩ)±(5%of reading+0.5mΩ)
100.0 mΩ to 1000.0 mΩ250 mArms or more±(3% of reading+0.5mΩ)±(4%of reading+0.5mΩ)

*Accuracy of measurements outside the measurement range, L range current, and [-] shaded portion is not guaranteed.*θ is calculated from R and X by the application software. *Specifications not listed above are in accordance with PLZ-5W series product specifications.

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