

50,000 (税込:55,000

  • Converts RS232C or USB interface to IEEE488.2 GPIB
  • Easily connected with no driver required
  • Communication conditions can be changed in custom mode

SKU: PIA5100


Simple conversion from RS232C/USB to GPIB

Simple conversion from RS232C/USB to GPIB

The PIA5100 is an interface converter that allows for instruments without a GPIB interface to be easily controlled through RS232C or USB*. This converter allows for communication with IEEE488.2 compatible measuring instruments and power supplies while removing the need for difficult configuration. Instruments not compatible with IEEE488.2 are also supported through communication programming in custom mode.
*Limited to equipment based on USB-TMC

Measuring Instruments/power supplies Whose Operations Have Been Checked

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Model nameRecommended settings
PLZ-5W Series Electronic LoadGPIB-CONV settings: RS232 CUSTOM MODE OFF
PWX Series Regulated DC Power SupplyGPIB-CONV settings: RS232 CUSTOM MODE OFF Queries need to be inserted periodically to avoid buffer overrun. *1
PMX Series Regulated DC Power SupplyGPIB-CONV settings: RS232 CUSTOM MODE OFF Queries need to be inserted periodically to avoid buffer overrun. *1
PWR-01 Series Regulated DC Power SupplyGPIB-CONV settings: RS232 CUSTOM MODE OFF Queries need to be inserted periodically to avoid buffer overrun. *1
PCZ1000A AC Electronic LoadGPIB-CONVsettings: RS232, CUSTOM MODE ON
CUSTOM MODE settings:
Bitrate = 9600
Stopbits = 2
Flow Control = Software
Termination Character = 0x0A
488.2 Block Transfer = No
IDN Query = IDN?
KISTD Mode = No
Queries need to be inserted periodically to avoid buffer overrun. *1
PLZ-5WH2 Series Multifunctional Electronic LoadGPIB-CONV settings: RS232, CUSTOM MODE OFF
PXB Series Bidirectional DC power supplyGPIB-CONV settings: RS232, CUSTOM MODE OFF Queries need to be inserted periodically to avoid buffer overrun. *1
PXT series Regulated DC Power SupplyGPIB-CONV settings: RS232, CUSTOM MODE OFF Queries need to be inserted periodically to avoid buffer overrun. *1
PXZ Series Electronic LoadGPIB-CONV settings: RS232, CUSTOM MODE OFF Queries need to be inserted periodically to avoid buffer overrun. *1

*1 For the setting procedure, see the manual for the measuring instrument to be connected.

If considering series other than those described above, please contact our office.

Power Supply Methods

DC 5V is required for PIA5100 operations. Please prepare one of the following power sources (power supply methods).

Power supply from the instrument / power supply

Power supply from the instrument / power supply

If the measuring instrument/power supply has a DC OUT 5V connector, you can use the supplied input power cord to supply power from the instrument/power supply.*Currently, the product with DC 5 V supply function is the PLZ-5W, PLZ-5WH.

Power supply from the USB port

Power supply from the USB port

You can use the power cord set provided to supply power from an AC-USB adapter or a PC USB port.

Power supply from the AC adapter

Power supply from the AC adapter

The AC adapter can be used to supply power

Functional Limitations

The following GPIB-specific functions are not available by default (factory default).

  • Serial polling, parallel polling
  • Remote local control
  • Device clear

However, for serial polling and remote local control, equivalent functions can be used through similar commands.


GPIB port

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GPIB specificationsIEEE488.1-1987
Primary address0 to 30

USB port

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USB specificationsStandard type A socket, USB1.1 Full-Speed
Control target measuring instrument/ power supplyMeasuring instrument/power supply with SCPI or IEEE488.2 language specifications complying with USBTMC-USB488.
However, operation is guaranteed only for measuring instruments/power supplies listed in “Measuring Instruments/power supplies Whose Operations Have Been Checked” .

RS232C port

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UART specificationsDsub 9 pin (Crossover cable connection with the measuring instrument/power supply)
Control target measuring instrument/ power supplyMeasuring instrument/power supply with SCPI or IEEE488.2 language specifications and whose communication conditions can be set to 19200, no parity, 8, 1, and no flow.
However, operation is guaranteed only for measuring instruments/power supplies listed in “Measuring Instruments/power supplies Whose Operations Have Been Checked”.

SERVICE PORT connector

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USB specificationsMini B type socket, USB1.1 Full-Speed
Supported protocolCommunication Device Class, Abstract Control Model (CDC-ACM)

General specifications

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Input power supply5 V 0.25 A
DC IN 5V connectorEIAJ#2
Operating temperature range0 °C to 50 °C (32 °F to 122 °F)
Operating humidity range20%rh to 85%rh (no condensation)
Storage temperature range−20 °C to 70 °C (-4 °F to 158 °F)
Storage humidity range90 %rh or less (no condensation)
Weight200 g(0.44 Ibs)
AccessoriesPower cord set (Input power cord (length: approx. 50 cm), USB Btype-EIAJ#2 adapter for input power supply) Magnetic sheet Operation Manuals

Operation Manuals


    Applications / firmware

    firmware update

    You can update the firmware of the PIA5100 by downloading the latest version of the firmware from the Downloads page of our website. To update the firmware, use the dedicated application Kikusui DFU GUI.

    Changing communication conditions (custom mode)

    The dedicated application ‘GPIB-CONVCustom Config’ can be used to change the communication conditions of the PIA5100. This is used when connecting to an instrument/power supply that does not comply with IEEE 488.2 or when communication is not possible under the default (factory default) communication conditions.

    RS232C setting items

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    ItemSetting rangeDescription
    Bitrate1200 bps to 115200. bps Factory default is 19200 bps.Sets the bit rate.
    Stopbits1 / 2Sets the stop bits.
    Flow ControlNone/ Hardware/ SoftwareSets fl ow control X-Flow for software CTS-RTS for hardware.
    Termination CharacterAny ASCII code. Factory default is 0x0A.Sets the terminator character.
    488.2 Block TransferNO/ YESDisables/enables IEEE488.2 block transfer.
    IDN QueryAny string (up to 15 characters) Factory default is *IDN?.Query for detecting measuring instru- ments/power supply at startup.
    KISTD Mode *1NO/ YESDisables/enables the KISTD SAFU protocol for clearing the limita- tion on GPIB-specific functions.

    *1. Only available on KISTD-compatible products. PWX series, PMX series, and PLZ-5W series are compatible (as of February 2016).

    On-the-spot graphing of readout data.

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    ItemSetting rangeDescription
    Auto Serial PollingNO / YESDisables/enables auto serial polling.
    Auto Serial Poll Interval50 ms〜Auto serial polling interval.

    Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

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