Compact AC Power Supply PCR-MA Series

Compact, switching AC power supply
PWM inverter method

Compact AC Power Supply PCR-MA Series


Wide-range, programable output voltage up to 310 Vrms
with a user friendly interface designed for maximum practicality and convenience.

The PCR-MA AC power supply series is a PWM inverter type (switching) power supply that builds on the success of our conventional model, the PCR-M. Maximum output voltage has been increased to 310 Vrms AC while maintaining a compact, portable design. The digital interface now includes LAN (LXI) and USB as standard, with GPIB as a option for easy integration into any test system. The LXI compliant LAN interface allows the operator to easily monitor and control the instrument via virtual interface wherever they are.

Various features including a remote sensing function have been introduced to ensure precise voltage and current measurements. Other features including DC mode, memory functions, and various protections make the PCR-MA the most accessible AC power supply on the market.


Compact AC Power Supply

Small enough to fit on your work desk! Only 214W × 124H × 350D mm! Weighs only 6.5kg and easy to carry!(PCR500MA)

Versatile output modes

In addition to “AC mode” and “DC mode”, an AC+DC external analog interface board option (EX08-PCR-MA) allows for output control via “EXT-AC mode” and “EXT-DC mode” through external analog signals.

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Output ModeDescription
AC modeAC output
DC modeDC output
AC+DC modeSuperimpose DC voltage on the AC voltage and output *1
EXT-AC modeOutput sine waves using external DC signals *2
EXT-DC modeSimply amplify and output the waveform applied externally *2

*1 Only communication commands *2 Only when the analog interface board (EX08-PCR-MA) is installed.

AC mode

The PCR-MA output voltage range can be set in two ranges (0-155V, 0-310V) with a programmable frequency up to 500 Hz in order to comply with nominal, single phase voltage anywhere in the world. This is especially useful for power supply systems found in aircraft, boats, and actuators.

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Settable Voltage RangeFrequency setting range
155 V range310 V range 
0.0 V to 157.5 V0.0 V to 315.0 V40 Hz to 500 Hz

DC mode

The output voltage can be varied from ±0V to 219V or ±0V to 438V

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Output Voltage Setting
155 V range310 V range
-222.5 V to +222.5 V-445 V to +445 V

AC+DC mode

The output voltage can be varied from ±0V to 219V or ±0V to 438V

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Output Voltage Setting
155 V range310 V range
-222.5 V to +222.5 V-445 V to +445 V

* AC + DC mode is a function used to superimpose DC voltage on AC voltage or AC voltage on DC voltage. It can only be used with the communication commands.


Versatile measurement capability

THE PCR-MA is capable of measuring the voltage, current and power of AC and DC output. It can also display the true RMS and average (DC) values of the output voltage as well as the true RMS, peak, and average (DC) values for the output current. When used with digital interface, the PCR-MA can also measure apparent power (VA), reactive power (VAR), power factor (PF), and peak hold current.

Sensing function (ON/OFF)

The new remote sensing feature compensates for voltage drops along long load wires to ensure maximum accuracy.

Output-on phase angle

The output-on phase angle can be set in AC mode. The output-off phase angle is turned off at the zero-crossing phase.
Output-on phase angle

Memory function

The PCR-MA can store up to three sets of output voltage, frequency, and limit value setting via front panel. Additionally, when using communication commands, the internal memory can store up to 11 settings.
The PCR-MA can store up to three sets of output voltage, frequency, and limit value setting via front panel.

Maximum peak current

Maximum peak current of up to three times the rated maximum current (rms value) can be output to a capacitor-input rectifier load. Maximum peak current = rated maximum current (rms) × 3.
capacitor-input rectifier load

EXT-AC mode

The output AC voltage value can be varied according to the input DC signal.
Voltage amplification factor: 15.5x or 31x

EXT-DC mode

Amplifies the waveforms that it receives and outputs the result.
Voltage amplification factor: 100x or 200x

Protection functions

The following protection features are available:

  • Protection against non-rated input voltage
  • Protection against overheating (OHP)
  • Protection against overloading: Current limit (OCP)/monitoring for exceeded power (OPP)/Monitoring for exceeded peak current (OCPP)
  • Detection of voltage abnormalities:Increased voltage (OVP)/decreased voltage (LVP)
  • Abnormal sensing cable connection detection (SF)

Easy remote control and monitoring from your Web browser!

Use a browser from a PC, smartphone, or tablet to access the web server built into the PCR-MA series for convenient control and monitoring.

[Recommended browser]
Requires for the Microsoft Edge 10 / Requires for the Internet Explorer version 9.0 or laterater / Requires for the Firefox 8.0 or laterater / Requires for the safari / mobile Safari 5.1 or later / Requires for the Chrome 15.0 or later / Requires for the Opera 11.0 or later
*Connecting with a smartphone, tablet, etc. requires a Wi-Fi environment (wireless LAN router etc.).

Easy remote control and monitoring from your Web browser!



AC power supply for standby power measurement.

AC power supply for standby power measurement.

The PCR-MA can be used alongside the KPM1000 Digital Power Meter to conduct measurements compliant with IEC62301, 1st edition. You can also measure the “standby and off mode power” of household and office electronic equipment as required by standards such as Erp Directive Lot 6.

AC power supply for harmonic current measurement.

AC power supply for harmonic current measurement.

When used with the KHA1000 Harmonic/Flicker Analyzer, the PCR-MA can be used to conduct harmonic measurements of power supplies compliant with IEC61000-3-2.

AC power supply for capacitator testing.

AC power supply for capacitator testing.

Combined with the Contact Checker, the PCR-MA can allow you to detect current flowing throw the capacitor, and verify whether it has been connected or not.

DC power supply for simple power supply variation tests.

DC power supply for simple power supply variation tests.

When used alongside our PBZ40-10 Bipolar Power Supply and PLZ164WH electronic load, the PCR-MA can help conduct simplified power variation tests for high voltage DC components found in automotive equipment.


For product-specific specifications, please refer to the individual product pages.

Output rating AC mode
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Voltage range (155V/310V range)Rated voltage range0V to 155V/0V to 310V
Settable voltage range0 V to 157.5 V/0 V to 315.0 V
Voltage setting resolution0.1 V
Voltage setting accuracy *1±(1 % of set + 0.6 V/1.2 V)
Number of output phasesSingle phase
Maximum current *25 A/2.5 A10A/5A20A/10A40A/20A
Maximum peak current *315A/7.5A30A/15A60A/30A120A/60A
Load power factor0 to 1 (leading or lagging)
Power capacity500VA1kVA2kVA4kVA
Frequency setting range40.0 Hz to 500.0 Hz
Frequency resolution0.1Hz
Frequency setting accuracy≤ ±2 × 10-4

*1. For an output voltage of 13.5 V to 155 V/27 V to 310 V, an output frequency of 45 Hz to 65 Hz, no load, and 23°C ± 5°C. *2. For an output voltage of 1 V to 100 V/2 V to 200 V. Limited by the power capacity when the output voltage is 100 V to 155 V/200 V to 310 V. *3. For the capacitor-input rectifying load. Limited by the maximum current.

Output rating DC mode
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Voltage range (155V/310V range)Rated voltage range-219 V to +219 V/-438 V to +438 V
Settable voltage range-222.5 V to +222.5V/-445.0 V to +445.0 V
Voltage setting resolution0.1 V
Voltage setting accuracy *4±(1 % of set + 0.6 V/1.2 V)
Maximum current (output 155 V/310 V range) *54A/2A8A/4A16A/8A32A/16A
Maximum instantaneous current (output 155 V/ 310 V range) *612A/6A24A/12A48A/24A96A/48A
Power capacity400W800W1600W3200W

*4. For an output voltage of 19 V to 219 V/38 V to 438 V, no load, and 23°C ± 5°C. *5. For an output voltage of 1.4 V to 100 V/2.8 V to 200 V. Limited by the power capacity when the output voltage is 100 V to 219 V/200 V to 438 V. *6. Limited by the maximum current.

Output voltage stability
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Line regulation *7≤ ±0.15 %
Load variation (output 155 V/310 V range) *840 Hz to 100 Hz, DC : ≤ ±0.15V/±0.3V
Other than above : ≤ ±0.5 V/±1 V
Output frequency variation *9≤ ±1 %
Ripple noise *100.8 Vrms/1.6 Vrms (TYP)
Ambient temperature variation *11100 ppm/°C (TYP)
Output voltage waveform distortion ratio *12≤ 0.5 %
Output voltage response speed *13150 μs (TYP)
Efficiency *14≥ 70 %

*7. For changes in the rated range. *8. For an output voltage of 80 V to 155 V/160 V to 310 V, a load power factor of 1, output voltage variation between 0 A and maximum current, using the output terminal on the rear panel. *9. For an output voltage of 100 V/200 V and a load power factor of 1. Output voltage variation with 60 Hz as a reference. *10. For 5 Hz to 1 MHz components in DC mode using the output terminal on the rear panel. *11. For an output voltage of 100 V/200 V, an output current 0 A, within the operating temperature range. *12. For an output voltage of 50 V to 155 V/100 V to 310 V, a load power factor of 1, in AC mode. *13. For an output voltage of 100 V/200 V, a load power factor of 1, and an output current variation between 0 A and maximum current. *14. For AC mode, at an output voltage of 100 V/200 V, maximum current, a load power factor of 1, and an output frequency of 40 Hz to 500 Hz.

Indicators *15
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Voltage measurementResolution0.1 V
Accuracy (output 155 V/310 V range)RMS, AVE *1645 Hz to 65 Hz, DC : ±(0.5 % of reading +0.3 V/0.6 V)
Other than above : ±(0.7 % of reading +0.9 V/1.8 V)
Current measurementResolution0.01 A0 A to 99.99 A (RMS, AVE): 0.01 A 100 A to (RMS, AVE), IPK: 0.1A
Accuracy (output 155 V/310 V range)RMS, AVE *1745 Hz to 65 Hz, DC: ±(0.5 % of reading +0.02 A/0.01 A)
Other than above: ±(0.7 % of reading +0.04 A/0.02 A)
45 Hz to 65 Hz, DC: ±(0.5 % of reading +0.04 A/0.02 A)
Other than above: ±(0.7 % of reading +0.08 A/0.04 A)
45 Hz to 65 Hz, DC: ±(0.5 % of reading +0.08 A/0.04 A)
Other than above: ±(0.7 % of reading +0.16 A/0.08 A)
45 Hz to 65 Hz, DC: ±(0.5 % of reading +0.16 A/0.08 A)
Other than above: ±(0.7 % of reading +0.32 A/0.16 A)
WattmeterResolution0.1W0.1W (<1 000 W), 1 W (1000 W≤)
Accuracy *18±(2 % of reading +0.5 W)±(2 % of reading +1 W)±(2 % of reading +2 W)±(2 % of reading +4 W)

*15 RMS, average (AVE), and power (W) are derived using the following equations.
RMS (true rms computation) = ( Σ (square of the instantaneous voltage or instantaneous current)/ the number of samples.)
AVE = (instantaneous voltage or instantaneous current)/the number of samples
WAC = Σ (instantaneous voltage x instantaneous current)/the number of samples
•Sample period: 100 ms to 125 ms for AC output (an integer multiple of the output waveform period. 125 ms for DC output.
•Update interval: Approx. 3 times/s, averaging over 2s when averaging is turned on.
•Peak current value holds the maximum value of the absolute value of the peak current for 0.3s or approximately 5s.
•The voltage display is set to RMS in AC mode and AVE in DC mode.
*16 AC mode: For an output voltage of 13.5 V to 155 V/27 V to 310 V and 23°C ± 5°C. DC mode: For an output voltage of 19 V to 219 V/38 V to 438 V and 23°C ± 5°C. *17 For waveforms with a crest factor of 3 or less. At 5 % to 100 % of the maximum rated current, 23°C ±5°C *18 For an output voltage of 50 V or greater, an output current in the range of 10 % to 100 % of the maximum rated current, a load power factor of 1, an output frequency of 45 Hz to 65 Hz or DC, and 23°C ± 5°C.

Input rating
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AC inputNominal input rating100 Vac to 120 Vac/200 Vac to 240 Vac, 50 Hz/60 Hz, single phase
Input voltage range90Vac to 132Vac/180Vac to 264Vac (auto detection at power-on)
Input frequency range47 Hz to 63 Hz
Apparent powerApprox. 800 VAApprox. 1600 VAApprox. 3200 VAApprox. 6400 VA
Power factor *190.9 (standard value)
CurrentInput 90 V to 115 V8 A/6.3 A or less16 A/12.5 A or less32 A/25 A or less64 A/50 A or less
Input 180 V to 230 V4 A/3.2 A or less8 A/6.3 A or less16 A/12.5 A or less32 A/25 A or less

*19. For an output voltage of 100 V/ 200 V (155 V/310 V range), maximum current, and a load power factor of 1.

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Insulation resistanceBetween input and case, between output and case, between input and output500 Vdc, 30 MΩ or more
Withstanding voltageBetween input and case, between output and case, between input and output1.5 kVac for 1 minute
Earth continuity25 Aac/0.1 Ω or less
Electromagnetic compatibility *1 *2Conforms to the requirements of the directive and standard below.
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU EN 61326-1 (Class A), EN 55011 (Class A, Group 1), EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3
Applicable under the following conditions: Load cables are less than 30 m. Other cables connected to the product are all less than 3 m.
Safety *1Conforms to the requirements of the directive and standard below.
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU EN 61010-1 (Class I, Pollution Degree 2)
Circuit methodPWM inverter system
EnvironmentOperating environmentIndoor use, overvoltage category II
Operating temperature and humidity range0°C to 40°C, 20 % to 80 %rh (no condensation)
Storage temperature and humidity range-10°C to 60°C, 0 % to 90 %rh (no condensation)
AltitudeUp to 2000 m
Dimensions214(8.43)W×124(4.88)H× 350(13.78)D mm(inches)429(16.89)W×128(5.04)H× 350(13.78)D mm(inches)429(16.89)W×128(5.04)H× 450(17.72)D mm(inches)429(16.89)W×262(10.31)H× 520(20.47) Dmm (inches)
WeightApprox. 6.5kgApprox. 11kgApprox. 16kgApprox. 32kg
Input terminal(Inlet)M4 terminal blockM6 terminal blockM6 terminal block
Output terminalM4 terminal blockM6 terminal block
AccessoriesPower cord1 pc.
with plug
Length: Approx. 2.5 m
1 pc.
3-core flexible cable Nominal cross-sectional area : 3.5 mm2
without plug
Length: Approx. 3 m
1 set
with ferrite core
1-core cable : 3pcs.
Nominal cross-sectional area : 5.5 mm2
without plug
Length: Approx. 3 m
1 set
1-core cable : 3pcs.
Nominal cross-sectional area : 14 mm2
without plug
Length: Approx. 3 m
Core1 pc.1 pc.1 pc.1 pc.
Cable tie1 pc.1 pc.1 pc.1 pc.
CD-ROM *31 disc
 Packing List(1 pc.), Quick Reference(Japanese 1 sheet, English 1 sheet), Safety Information(1 copy)

*1 Not applicable to custom order models. *2 Only on models that have the CE marking on the panel. *3 Included in the user’s manual, and communication interface manual.

Analog interface specifications (EX08-PCR-MA: optional)
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Input terminalMaximum allowable input voltage±15 V
Input impedance10 kΩ ±5 % (unbalanced)
Isolation voltage42 Vpk
EXT-AC mode *1Input voltage range0 V to ±10 V (DC)
Voltage amplification rate (155 V/310 V range)15.5 times or 31 times
Frequency setting range40 Hz to 500 Hz
EXT-DC modeInput voltage range *2ATT OFF0 V to ±2.19 Vpeak (0 to 155 Vrms sine wave)
ATT ON0 V to ±10 V (DC)
Input frequency rangeATT OFF40 Hz to 500 Hz (sine wave) / 40 Hz to 100 Hz (square wave) /DC
Frequency characteristicsATT OFF-0.3 dB at 500 Hz (typical value) with 55 Hz as a reference
Voltage amplification rate (155 V/310 V range)ATT OFF100 times or 200 times
ATT ON21.9 times or 43.8 times
Output voltage distortion ratio *3Main unit specifications + 0.5 % or less

*1 ATT is always set to on. *2 Measurable range for voltage, current and power is DC and from 40 Hz to 500 Hz. The frequency is set based on the input waveform cycle*3 In the EXT-AC mode, when direct current is input. In the EXT-DC mode, when a sine wave with [IB22] [EX08-PCR-MA] [IB22] Analog interface board [EX08-PCR-MA] 0.1 % or less distortion rate is input.

Specifications of the communication interfacen
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LANComplies with IEEE 802.3 100base-TX/10Base-T Ethernet 1.5 LXI Device Specification 2016, RJ-45 connector
USBComplies with the USB 2.0 specifications. Communication speed: 480 Mbps (High-speed) Complies with the USBTMC-USB488 device class specifications.
GPIB (IB22: optional)Complies with IEEE STD. 488.1-1978 specifications. SH1, AH1,T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E1
Common specificationsSoftware protocol: IEEE 488.2 STD 1992 Command language: SCPI Specification 1999.0



These options are common to all series. For details on optional products, please refer to the individual product pages.

Interface boards

LAN-RS232C Converter Introduction

XDT2321002-01-S xDirect232 Ver. RS232C (AC Adapter Included)/(LAN-RS232C Converter) *The following interface can be used. LANTRONIX, Inc. xDirect [Notes] *Please refer to the LANTRONIX Corporation instruction manual for details on RS232C control using the LAN-RS232C converter. *We can not guarantee compatibility with your computer, etc.


Compact AC Power Supply PCR-MA Series

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