EMC Test
EMC Test System for Automotive Electronics
Transient Immunity Tester KES7700 Series are transient surge tester that utilizes a compact unit system. A surge generator circuit is installed for each pulse unit as the tester meets the requirement of ISO7637-2, ISO7637-3, ISO16750-2, JASO D001, SAE J1113, and other standards. The KES7700 Series meets a broad range of independent automobile manufacturer standards as well. The ISO7637 standard specifies Pulse 1, Pulse 2a, and Pulse 3a/3b, while the ISO16750-2 standard specifies Pulse 5a/5b. Each pulse simulates the following: electromagnetic phenomena produced by electronic equipment joined by wire harnesses during an automobile’s normal operation, electromagnetic coupling during switch opening and closing, and load dump surges produced by the alternator when the battery is disconnected. Each pulse also tests the tolerance of on-board electronic equipment. In this testing, malfunctions and breakdowns involving on-board electronic equipment are evaluated.

Transient Immunity Tester
- Compact
- Supports proprietary standards
KES7700 Series
- Full compliance with ISO 7637-2.2004, ISO 7637-2.2011, ISO 7637-3.2007, ISO 16750-2.2010
- Load dump suppressor for pulse 5b
- Compact modular cabinet
- Output terminals provided at a height of 50mm above the floor level as specified in the ISO 7637-2 standard
- Two types of CDNs available (60 V/50 A and 60 V/100 A)
- Dedicated software for condition setting and tester control (english)
- JASO D001-94 pulse unit offered as an optional module
- JASO D001-94
JASO D001-94 standard-compliant pulse unit
- JASO standards are automotive standards established by the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan. For environment tests, “D001: General Rules of Environmental Testing Methods for Automotive Electronic Equipment” is most generally utilized. Pulse units for performing “transient voltage characteristics tests” in this standard are available as an option. This pulse unit can perform tests conforming to JASO D001 standards by connecting to mainframe KES7702/KES7703 testers.
- Replacing a pulse unit makes it easy to comply with JASO standards.
- Recurrence interval: Settings from a minimum of 5.0 s are possible.
Application Software
- Arbitrary waveform generation function
KES7100 – Application Software
- Up to 50 test conditions can be registered in a test execution list, and tests are carried out in accordance with the list
- For transient surge testing, up to seven types of pulse modules can be controlled
- For voltage variations testing, up to four testers can be controlled for synchronous operation by communicating with a single tester
- The result of the OK/NG judgment that the user makes at the end of each test can be saved in the execution list
- In addition to those compliant with the ISO 7637-2.2004 standard, a variety of waveforms can be generated easily (for voltage variations testing)
- The created test execution list can be saved in a file along with comments
Custom-made Immunity Tester
KES7822S: L load connected circuit surge tester
- This tester is applicable to surge test 2 (when using a test waveform generator) for circuits connected to inductance loads other than power circuits. The surge generation method is the open inductance load type, and single pulse or oscillation waveform can be selected with or without a miscellaneous protection filter. In the case of negative surges, negative bias waveform testing is also applicable due to the discharge of relays and mechanical contacts. Two types are available: a rack mount type incorporating a DC power supply for driving the DUT and a standard type with only an L-load surge generator. *Specifications for the DC power supply for DUT drive are to be determined upon separate discussion.
Outline Specifications
- α1/2/3/4サージ、β1/2/3/4サージ試験

Power Circuit Negative Surge & Power Circuit Positive Surge Testers
- This tester is designed to reproduce transient surge phenomena in a vehicle and to evaluate its immunity.
電源回路負サージ試験は、電源回路に対して、オルタネータのフィールドコイルから放出されるフィールドディケイノイズの電子機器に対する耐性試験に適用します。+B,IG,ACCの電源回路又は+B,IG,ACCを直接プルアップ電源として用いる回路(ILLなど)の各印加ポートの設定を自動化し、様々な組みわせの試験が可能です。 電源回路正サージ試験は、バッテリ端子外れによって生じる正高電圧パルスに対する電子機器の耐性を評価します。
Outline Specifications
- Power circuit negative surge test (spark surge: square wave, burst wave)
- Power circuit positive surge test: Giant pulse test, high frequency pulse test, positive polarity surge test (trapezoidal wave + high frequency pulse)

KES7840: Inductive noise immunity tester
- 本試験器は、車両内に搭載される実負荷をノイズ源とした試験器です。耐誘導ノイズ試験は、実負荷からの発生するノイズをハーネスに誘導させることやグランド端子をアースから浮かせた場合の耐性試験に適用します。
Outline Specifications
- 耐誘導ノイズ試験(試験1:試験波形発生器の場合)