- 2025年Feb7日February 07 / 2025We are excited to announce that Kikusui America will be participating in APEC 2025new
- 2023年Apr7日April 07 / 2023The PXB series of bidirectional high-capacity DC power supplies sales launch announcement
- 2023年Mar3日March 03 / 2023High-performance AC regulated power supplies PCR500LE / PCR1000LE / PCR2000LE / PCR3000LE notice of discontinuation of production and sales
- 2023年Feb15日February 15 / 2023PCR-MA series of compact AC power supplies notice of change of the front panel output outlet
- 2022年Mar9日March 09 / 2022PLZ-5W Series Specifications Guaranteed Operating Area Notice of Expansion (Specification Change)

Motor Evaluation
Power supply for DC motor evaluation
Here are some examples of DC-driven motor applications. When running a DC motor, the power supply unit usually simulates an onboard battery.Read >
Motor Evaluation
Power supply for AC motor evaluation
Here are some examples of the 3-phase AC motors applications.Motors used in EVs and PHVs are mainly three-phase synchronous motors. To properly run the motors, a controller is required.Read >
Motor Evaluation
Power supply for servo motor evaluation
Servo motors are used when a steep operation is required.Because it is common for control cycles to easily exceed kHz, general-purpose DC or AC power supplies cannot support the control.Read >
Inverter Evaluation
On-Board Charger (OBC) Evaluation
An onboard charger is an in-vehicle electrical device that converts alternating current (AC) from a household outlet into direct current (DC) to charge an EV battery pack.Read >
Inverter Evaluation
High voltage large capacity inverter evaluation
EV inverters not only control the motor and supply it with power from the battery but also charge the battery with regenerative power from the motor.Read >
KIKUSUI Products
DC Power Supplies
High performance and reliability.KIKUSUI’s DC power supplies are used all over the world.DC Power Supplies Learn more
Bipolar 4-quadrant Power Supply
Intelligent power supply providing arbitrary waveform generation and accurate power simulation!Bipolar 4-quadrant Power Supply Learn more
AC Power Supplies
Compact, high-performance, high-capacity / Aging tests / Commercial line stabilization / Power supply fluctuation tests and moreAC Power Supplies Learn more