PFX2731S_Temperature measurement

Thermocouple voltage (temperature) measurement blockSpecifications
Number of measured terminalsPer channel
Thermocouple typeType T
Range-100.0 °C to 400.0 °C *1
Accuracy *2 *3±1.5℃(TYP)
Reference junction compensation *2 *4±0.7℃(TYP)
Measurement interval2s

*1 The accuracy of the thermocouple is not guaranteed when it is used outside the operating range. The range depends on the thermocouple specifications (thermocouple class, wire diameter, and insulation). *2 At an ambient temperature between 18 °C and 28 °C. *3 When the voltage that the thermocouple calibrator produces is measured (the thermocouple tolerance is not included). *4 Indicates the performance of a thermometer at a reference junction (cold junction).

Related specifications : PFX2731S

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