Hipot Tester with Insulation Resistance and Partial Discharge Test



1,200,000 (税込:1,320,000

  • The TOS9300 series is a high performance electrical safety analyzer that complies to a wide range of universal standards. Hipot, Insulation Resistance, Ground Bond, Leakage Current (touch current and protective conductor current) and partial discharge can all be tested. A total of 6 models are available for standard compliance tests in a wide variety of applications including R&D, quality assurance manufacturing lines and laboratory tests.

This product generates high voltage! The use of this product requires knowledge of electricity.Improper handling or operation of this product can be very dangerous, so be sure to read the instruction manual carefully and use this product properly.



Withstanding Voltage Test

AC Output function

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AC output sectionTOS9300TOS9301TOS9301PDTOS9302TOS9303TOS9303LC
AC output sectionOutput range 0.050 kV to 5.000 kV
Resolution1 V
Setting accuracy±(1.2 % of setting + 0.02 kV) (at no load)
Max. rated load *1500 VA(5 kV / 100 mA)
Max. rated current100 mA (when the output voltage is 0.2 kV or higher)
Transformer rating500 VA
Output voltage waveform *2 Sine
Distortion2 % or less. (when the output voltage is 0.5 kV or higher and no load or a pure resistive load is connected)
Crest factor√2 ± 3 % (0.8 kV or higher)
Frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Accuracy±0.1 %
Voltage regulation±3 % or less (when changing from maximum rated load to no load)
Short-circuit current200 mA or more (output voltage 0.5 kV or higher)
Output methodPWM switching
Start voltage The voltage at the start of the test can be set.
Setting range1 % to 99 % of the test voltage
Output voltage monitor functionIf the output voltage exceeds ±(10 % of setting + 0.05 kV), the output is turned off, and the protection function is activated.

DC Output function

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AC output sectionTOS9301TOS9301PDTOS9303TOS9303LC
DC output sectionOutput range 0.050 kV to 7.200 kV
Resolution1 V
Setting accuracy±(1.2 % of setting + 0.02 kV)
Max. rated load *1100 W (5 kV/20 mA, 7.2 kV/13.9 mA)
Max. rated current20 mA
Ripple7.2 kV no load20 Vp-p (TYP)
Max. rated load50 Vp-p (TYP)
Voltage regulation1 % or less (when changing from maximum rated load to no load)
Short-circuit current100 mA (TYP) (200 mA peak)
Discharge functionForced discharge after test completion (discharge resistance: 125 kΩ)
Start voltage The voltage at the start of the test can be set.
Setting range1 % to 99 % of the test voltage
Output voltage monitor functionIf the output voltage exceeds ±(10 % of setting + 0.05 kV), the output is turned off, and the protection function is activated.

*1 When tests are performed consecutively, output time limit and rest time may become necessary depending on the upper limit setting *2 If an AC voltage is applied to a capacitive load, the output voltage may rise higher than at no load depending on the load capacitance. Further, waveform distortions may occur if an EUT whose capacitance is dependent on voltage (for example, an EUT that consists of ceramic capacitors) is connected as the load. However, if the test voltage is 1.5 kV, the effect of a capacitance of 1 000 pF or less can be ignored. Because the product’s high-voltage power supply uses the PWM switching method, if the test voltage is 500 V or less, the switching and spike noise proportions are large. The lower the test voltage, the greater the waveform is distorted.

Measurement function

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AC output sectionTOS9300TOS9301TOS9301PDTOS9302TOS9303TOS9303LC
VoltmeterMeasurement range0 kV to 7.5 kV AC/DC
Resolution0.1 V
Accuracy±(1.2 % of reading + 0.005 kV)
ResponseCan be switched between true rms and mean-value response rms conversion.
Peak-value response in a separate system (the peak-value response is for measuring the dielectric breakdown voltage while rising)
Hold functionThe voltage measurement after a test is finished is held while the pass/fail judgment is displayed.
Ammeter *1 *2Measurement rangeAC: 0.00 mA to 110 mA, DC: 0.00 mA to 22 mA (Current including the active component and reactive component)
Accuracy±(1 % of reading + 2 μA) (active component)
ResponseCan be switched between true rms and mean-value response rms conversion.
Hold functionThe current measurement after a test is finished is held while the pass judgment is displayed.
Offset cancel functionCancels up to 10 mA of the current flowing through the insulation resistance and stray capacitance components across output cables and the like (resistance component only for DC tests). OFF function available.
CalibrationActive component: Calibrated with the rms of a sine wave using a pure resistive load. Reactive component: Not calibrated.

*1 During AC voltage tests, current also flows in the stray capacitance of items such as the test leads and tools. For details on stray capacitance, see “Stray Capacitance of AC Withstanding Voltage Tests” *2 When the temperature and humidity are high, erroneous current from the product’s internal and external high-voltage wiring sections to ground increases. When the humidity exceeds 70 %, an erroneous current of about 50 μA may be generated.

Judgment feature

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Current judgment operationThe output is shut off when a judgment is made. Buzzer volume level can be set in the range of 0 (OFF) to 10 for pass and fail separately. In an auto test, the buzzer is valid only for the judgment that takes place at the end of the program.
UPPER FAILJudgment methodUPPER FAIL results when a current greater than or equal to the Upper limit is detected. For DCW, judgment is not made during the judgment delay (Judge Delay).
Display“U-FAIL” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe Upper-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
Lower FAILJudgment methodLOWER FAIL results when a current less than or equal to the Lower limit is detected. Judgment is not made during Voltage rise time or Voltage fall time of an ACW test.
Display“L-FAIL” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe Lower-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
PASSJudgment methodPASS judgment is made if U-FAIL or L-FAIL has not occurred when the test time elapses.
Display“PASS” is displayed.
BuzzerOn (fixed to 50 ms)
SIGNAL I/OThe PASS signal is generated for the length of time specified by the Pass Hold set-ting. If Pass Hold is set to Infinity, the PASS signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
Voltage rise rate judgment operationMonitors the voltage rise rate during Voltage rise time. This is valid when Auto setting of the judgment delay (Delay Auto) is set to on and the output voltage is 200 V or more. The output is shut off when a judgment is made. Buzzer volume level can be set in the range of 0 (OFF) to 10 for pass and fail separately.
dV/dt FAILJudgment methodWhen the voltage rise rate (dV/dt) is less than approx. 1 V/s.
Display“ Upper-FAIL(dv/dt)” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe U-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
Upper limit setting rangeAC: 0.01 mA to 110.00 mA, DC: 0.01 mA to 21.00 mA
Lower limit setting rangeAC: 0.00 mA to 109.99 mA, DC: 0.00 mA to 20.99 mA, OFF. Setting 0.00 is equivalent to OFF.
Judgment accuracy *1 *2±(1 % of setting + 5 μA)
Current detection methodCompares to the reference value using the following method. Calculate true rms values, convert mean-value responses to rms values
Response speed (filter) switchingSwitches the current detection response speed (sensitivity) used in UPPER FAIL judgment between five levels in ACW and DCW tests.

*1 During AC voltage tests, current also flows in the stray capacitance of items such as the test leads and tools. For details on stray capacitance, see “Stray Capacitance of AC Withstanding Voltage Tests” *2 When the temperature and humidity are high, erroneous current from the product’s internal and external high-voltage wiring sections to ground increases. When the humidity exceeds 70 %, an erroneous current of about 50 μA may be generated.

Timer function

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AC output sectionTOS9300TOS9301TOS9301PDTOS9302TOS9303TOS9303LC
Current rise time settings range0.1 s to 200.0 s
Current fall time setting time *10.1 s to 200.0 s, OFF
Test time setting range0.1 s to 1000.0 s, OFF
Judgment delay (Judge Delay) setting range *20.1 s to 100.0 s, AUTO *3 (DCW only)
Accuracy±(100 ppm of setting + 20 ms) (excluding the fall time)

*1 This setting is used only when a PASS judgment occurs in ACW and DCW tests. During a DCW test, the voltage may not drop all the way within the set time because of the electrostatic capacity inside the product and the EUT. *2 Less than the sum of the rise time and fall time. *3 If Delay Auto is set to on, LOWER judgment is not made until the charge time ends.

Other specifications

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AC output sectionTOS9300TOS9301TOS9301PDTOS9302TOS9303TOS9303LC
Analog monitor *1 Outputs a voltage signal according to the current waveform or voltage waveform
ICurrent waveform: Scale 50 mA/1 V
VVoltage waveform: Scale 1 kV/1 V
Grounding mode (GND) Can be switched between Low and Guard.
LowGND is connected to the low terminal. Measures the current flowing across the low terminal and chassis (normal applications).
Guard *2GND is connected to Guard. Measures only the current flowing through the low terminal (cur-rent flowing through the chassis is not measured) (high sensitivity, high accuracy measure-ment applications).

*1 Monitor signal output is isolated from the chassis (earth). If you connect an oscilloscope or an external device whose BNC shield is grounded, be sure to set the grounding mode (GND) to Guard. The value is not calibrated. *2 If there is a possibility that the EUT or tools and the like will be grounded or if you are uncertain, do not set GND to Guard. Doing so is extremely dangerous because the ammeter will be shorted and will not be able to measure current. For normal applications, set GND to Low.

Insulation Resistance Test

Output function

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Negative polarityOutput voltage range -0.025 kV to -1 kV
Resolution1 V
Setting accuracy±(1.2 % of setting + 0.002 kV)
Max. rated load1 W (-1 kV/1 mA)
Ripple1 kV no load2 Vp-p or less
Max. rated load10 Vp-p or less
Short-circuit current12 mA or less
Positive polarity *1Output voltage range +0.05 kV to +7.2 kV
Resolution1 V
Setting accuracy±(1.2 % of setting + 0.02 kV)
Max. rated load7.2 W(7.2 kV/1 mA)
Ripple1 kV no load20 Vp-p or less
Max. rated load50 Vp-p or less
Short-circuit current100 mA (TYP) (200 mA peak)
Max. rated current1 mA
Voltage regulation1 % or less (when changing from maximum rated load to no load)
Discharge functionForced discharge after test completion (discharge resistance: 20 kΩ)
Output voltage monitor functionIf the output voltage exceeds ±(10 % of setting + 0.05 kV), the output is turned off, and the protection function is activated.

*1 TOS9300 are not supported.

Measurement function

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VoltmeterMeasurement rangeNegative polarity: 0 Vdc to -1200 Vdc, positive polarity: 0 Vdc to 7500 Vdc
Resolution0.1 V
AccuracyNegative polarity: ±(1 % of reading + 1 V), positive polarity: ±(1.2 % of reading + 1 V)
Resistance meterMeasurement range0.001 MΩ to 100.0 GΩ (in the range of maximum rated current of 1 mA to 5 nA)
Accuracy *1 *2 (when GND is set to Guard) (i: measured current)(R: measurement resistance)5 nA ≤ i ≤ 50 nA *3500.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ: ±(15 % of reading + 0.5 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ: ±(15 % of reading + 5 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ ≤ R ≤ 100.000 GΩ: ±(20 % of reading + 200 MΩ)
50 nA < i ≤ 100 nA *3200.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ: ±(10 % of reading + 0.5 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ: ±(10 % of reading + 5 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ ≤ R < 50.000 GΩ: ±(10 % of reading + 50 MΩ)
50.000 GΩ ≤ R ≤ 100.000 GΩ: ±(20 % of reading + 200 MΩ)
100 nA < i ≤ 200 nA *4100.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ: ±(7 % of reading + 0.5 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 2.000 GΩ: ±(7 % of reading + 5 MΩ)
2.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ: ±(7 % of reading + 10 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ ≤ R < 50.000 GΩ: ±(7 % of reading + 100 MΩ)
200 nA < i ≤ 1 μA *410.000 MΩ≤ R < 100.000 MΩ: ±(5 % of reading + 0.05 MΩ)
100.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ: ±(5 % of reading + 0.5 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ: ±(5 % of reading + 5 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ ≤ R < 25.000 GΩ: ±(5 % of reading + 50 MΩ)
1 μA < i ≤ 1 mA *40.001 MΩ ≤ R < 10.000 MΩ: ±(2 % of reading + 0.003 MΩ)
10.000 MΩ ≤ R < 100.000 MΩ: ±(2 % of reading + 0.03 MΩ)
100.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ: ±(2 % of reading + 0.3 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 5.000 GΩ: ±(2 % of reading + 3 MΩ)
Accuracy *5 (when GND is set to Low)(i: measured current)(R: measurement resistance)5 nA ≤ i ≤ 50 nA *3500.000 MΩ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ: ±(25 % of reading + 0.5 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ: ±(25 % of reading + 5 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ≤ R ≤ 100.000 GΩ: ±(30 % of reading + 200 MΩ)
50 nA < i ≤ 100 nA *3200.000 MΩ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ: ±(20 % of reading + 0.5 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ: ±(20 % of reading + 5 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ≤ R < 50.000 GΩ: ±(20 % of reading + 50 MΩ)
50.000 GΩ≤ R ≤ 100.000 GΩ: ±(30 % of reading + 200 MΩ)
100 nA < i ≤ 200 nA *4100.000 MΩ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ: ±(10 % of reading + 0.5 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ≤ R < 2.000 GΩ: ±(10 % of reading + 5 MΩ)
2.000 GΩ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ: ±(10 % of reading + 10 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ≤ R < 50.000 GΩ: ±(10 % of reading + 100 MΩ)
200 nA < i ≤ 1 μA *410.000 MΩ≤ R < 100.000 MΩ: ±(5 % of reading + 0.05 MΩ)
100.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ: ±(5 % of reading + 0.5 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ: ±(5 % of reading + 5 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ ≤ R < 25.000 GΩ: ±(5 % of reading + 50 MΩ)
1 μA < i ≤ 1 mA *40.001 MΩ ≤ R < 10.000 MΩ: ±(2 % of reading + 0.003 MΩ)
10.000 MΩ ≤ R < 100.000 MΩ: ±(2 % of reading + 0.03 MΩ)
100.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ: ±(2 % of reading + 0.3 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 5.000 GΩ: ±(2 % of reading + 3 MΩ)
Hold functionThe resistance measurement after a test is finished is held while the pass judgment is displayed.
Offset cancel functionCancels up to 2000 GΩ of the unnecessary insulation resistance across output cables and the like. OFF function available.

*1 Humidity: 70 %rh or less (no condensation), when there is no interference caused by wobbly test leads or other problems. *2 If the grounding mode (GND) is set to low in a highly humid environment, leakage current to ground will be generated from the high-voltage wiring sections inside the product and the high-voltage wiring sections between the product and the EUT. This leakage current ranges from several nA to several tens of nA depending on the usage and wiring conditions of the optional TOS9320 high voltage scanner and greatly affects measurement accuracy. The effects of leakage current can be reduced by making measurements with the offset enabled. *3 Add 10 % to the accuracy when measuring 100 V or less. *4 Add 5 % to the accuracy when measuring 100 V or less. *5 When the measured current is limited to 100 nA or more (no condensation) when the humidity is 50 %rh or less, no external disturbance is present such as swinging test leads, and the offset is enabled.


Judgment feature

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Behavior based on judgmentThe output is shut off when a judgment is made. Buzzer volume level can be set in the range of 0 (OFF) to 10 for pass and fail separately. In an auto test, the buzzer is valid only for the judgment that takes place at the end of the program.
UPPER FAILJudgment methodUPPER FAIL results when a resistance greater than or equal to the Upper limit is detected. Judgment is not made during or Voltage rise time.
Display“Upper-FAIL” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe Upper-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
Lower FAILJudgment methodLOWER FAIL results when a resistance less than or equal to the Lower limit is detected. Judgment is not made during the judgment delay (Judge Delay).
Display“L-FAIL” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe Lower-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
PASSJudgment methodPASS judgment is made if U-FAIL or L-FAIL has not occurred when the test time elapses.
Display“PASS” is displayed.
BuzzerOn (fixed to 50 ms)
SIGNAL I/OThe PASS signal is generated for the length of time specified by the Pass Hold setting. If Pass Hold is set to Infinity, the PASS signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
Voltage rise rate judgment operationMonitors the voltage rise rate during Voltage rise time. This is valid when Auto setting of the judgment delay (Delay Auto) is set to on and the output voltage is 200 V or more. The output is shut off when a judgment is made. Buzzer volume level can be set in the range of 0 (OFF) to 10 for pass and fail separately.
dV/dt FAILJudgment methodWhen the voltage rise rate (dV/dt) is less than 1 V/s.
Display“ Lower-FAIL(dv/dt)” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe L FAIL signals are generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
Upper limit setting range0.001 MΩ to 100.000 GΩ (in the range up to the maximum rated current), OFF
Lower limit setting range0.000 MΩ to 99.999 GΩ (in the range up to the maximum rated current), OFF. Setting 0.000 is equivalent to OFF.
Accuracy *1 *2 *3 (when GND is set to Guard) (i: measured current) (R: measurement resistance)5 nA ≤ i ≤ 50 nA *4500.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ : ±(15 % of setting + 0.51 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ : ±(15 % of setting + 15 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ ≤ R ≤ 100.000 GΩ : ±(20 % of setting + 210 MΩ)
50 nA < i ≤ 100 nA *4200.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ : ±(10 % of setting + 0.51 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ : ±(10 % of setting + 15 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ ≤ R < 50.000 GΩ : ±(10 % of setting + 60 MΩ)
50.000 GΩ ≤ R ≤ 100.000 GΩ : ±(20 % of setting + 210 MΩ)
100 nA < i ≤ 200 nA *5100.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ : ±(7 % of setting + 0.51 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 2.000 GΩ : ±(7 % of setting + 15 MΩ)
2.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ : ±(7 % of setting + 20 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ ≤ R < 50.000 GΩ : ±(7 % of setting + 110 MΩ)
200 nA < i ≤ 1 μA *510.000 MΩ ≤ R < 100.000 MΩ : ±(5 % of setting + 0.06 MΩ)
100.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ : ±(5 % of setting + 0.51 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ : ±(5 % of setting + 15 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ ≤ R < 25.000 GΩ : ±(5 % of setting + 60 MΩ)
1 μA < i ≤ 1 mA *50.001 MΩ ≤ R < 10.000 MΩ : ±(2 % of setting + 0.013 MΩ)
10.000 MΩ ≤ R < 100.000 MΩ : ±(2 % of setting + 0.04 MΩ)
100.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ : ±(2 % of setting + 0.31 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 5.000 GΩ : ±(2 % of setting + 13 MΩ)
Accuracy *6 (when GND is set to Low) (i: measured current) (R: measurement resistance)5 nA ≤ i ≤ 50 nA *4500.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ : ±(25 % of setting + 0.51 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ : ±(25 % of setting + 15 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ ≤ R ≤ 100.000 GΩ : ±(30 % of setting + 210 MΩ)
50 nA < i ≤ 100 nA *4200.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ : ±(20 % of setting + 0.51 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ : ±(20 % of setting + 15 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ ≤ R < 50.000 GΩ : ±(20 % of setting + 60 MΩ)
50.000 GΩ ≤ R ≤ 100.000 GΩ : ±(30 % of setting + 210 MΩ)
100 nA < i ≤ 200 nA *5100.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ : ±(10 % of setting + 0.51 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 2.000 GΩ : ±(10 % of setting + 15 MΩ)
2.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ : ±(10 % of setting + 20 MΩ
10.000 GΩ ≤ R < 50.000 GΩ : ±(10 % of setting + 110 MΩ)
200 nA < i ≤ 1 μA *510.000 MΩ ≤ R < 100.000 MΩ : ±(5 % of setting + 0.06 MΩ)
100.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ : ±(5 % of setting + 0.51 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 10.000 GΩ : ±(5 % of setting + 15 MΩ)
10.000 GΩ ≤ R < 25.000 GΩ : ±(5 % of setting + 60 MΩ)
1 μA < i ≤ 1 mA *50.001 MΩ ≤ R < 10.000 MΩ : ±(2 % of setting + 0.013 MΩ)
10.000 MΩ ≤ R < 100.000 MΩ : ±(2 % of setting + 0.04 MΩ)
100.000 MΩ ≤ R < 1.000 GΩ : ±(2 % of setting + 0.31 MΩ)
1.000 GΩ ≤ R < 5.000 GΩ : ±(2 % of setting + 13 MΩ)

*1 Making judgments on 200 μA or less requires at least 3 seconds after the rise time ends. Making judgments when the low pass filter is set to on requires at least 10 seconds after the rise time ends. *2 Humidity: 70 %rh or less (no condensation), when there is no interference caused by wobbly test leads or other problems. *3 If the grounding mode (GND) is set to low in a highly humid environment, leakage current to ground will be generated from the high-voltage wiring sections inside the product and the high-voltage wiring sections between the product and the EUT. This leakage current ranges from several nA to several tens of nA depending on the usage and wiring conditions of the optional TOS9320 high voltage scanner and greatly affects measurement accuracy. The effects of leakage current can be reduced by making measurements with the offset enabled. *4 Add 10 % to the accuracy when measuring 100 V or less. *5 Add 5 % to the accuracy when measuring 100 V or less. *6 When the measured current is limited to 100 nA or more (no condensation) when the humidity is 50 %rh or less, no external disturbance is present such as swinging test leads, and the offset is enabled.

Timer function

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Current rise time settings range0.1 s to 200.0 s
Test time setting range0.1 s to 1000.0 s, OFF
Judgment delay (Judge Delay) setting range *10.1 s to 100.0 s, AUTO *2
Accuracy *3±(100 ppm of setting + 20 ms)

*1 Less than the sum of the rise time and fall time. *2 If Delay Auto is set to on, UPPER judgment is not made until the charge time ends. *3 This excludes fall time.

Other specifications

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Grounding mode (GND)Can be switched between Low and Guard.
LowGND is connected to the low terminal. Measures the current flowing across the low terminal and chassis (normal applications).
Guard *1GND is connected to Guard. Measures only the current flowing through the low terminal (current flowing through the chassis is not measured) (high sensitivity, high accuracy measurement applications).
Filter functionA low-pass filter can be inserted into the ammeter measurement circuit. *2

*1 If there is a possibility that the EUT or tools and the like will be grounded or if you are uncertain, do not set GND to Guard. Doing so is extremely dangerous because the ammeter will be shorted and will not be able to measure current. For normal applications, set GND to Low. *2 When the low pass filter is on, a judgment delay of at least 5 seconds and a test time are required.

Partial Discharge Test

Output function

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AC output sectionTOS9301PD
AC output sectionOutput voltage range 0.050 kV to 5.000 kV
Resolution1 V
Setting accuracy±(1.2% of setting + 0.02kV) (at no load)
Max. rated load250 VA (5 kV/ 50mA)
Max. rated current50 mA (when the output voltage is 0.2 kV or higher)
Positive polarity *1Output voltage waveform*1 Sine
Distortion2 % or less. (when the output voltage is 0.5 kV or higher and no load or a pure resistive load is connected)
Crest factor√2 ± 3 % (0.8 V or higher)
Frequency 50 Hz/60 Hz
Accuracy±0.1 %
Voltage regulation±3 % or less (when changing from maximum rated load to no load)
Output methodPWM switching
Output voltage monitor functionIf the output voltage exceeds ±(10 % of setting + 0.05 kV), the output is turned off, and the protection function is activated.

*1 If an AC voltage is applied to a capacitive load, the output voltage may rise higher than at no load depending on the load capacitance. Further, waveform distortions may occur if an EUT whose capacitance is dependent on voltage (for example, an EUT that consists of ceramic capacitors) is connected as the load. However, if the test voltage is 1.5kV, the effect of a capacitance of 1 000pF or less can be ignored. Because the product’s high-voltage power supply uses the PWM switching method, if the test voltage is 500 V or less, the switching and spike noise proportions are large. The lower the test voltage, the greater the waveform is distorted.

Measurement function

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AC output sectionTOS9301PD
VoltmeterMeasurement range0.00 kV to 7.50 kV AC/DC
Resolution0.1 V
Accuracy±(1.2 % of reading + 0.05 kV)
ResponseCan be switched between true rms and peak-value response.
Peak-value response in a separate system (the peak-value response is for measuring the dielectric breakdown voltage while rising)
Hold functionThe voltage measurement after a test is finished is held while the pass/fail judgment is displayed.
Electric charge measurementElectric charge measurement methodIEC60664-1 Edition 3.0 compliant
Measurement range0 pC to 10000 pC
Measurement resolution100pC range0.1pC
1000pC range0.1pC
10000pC rang1 pC
Accuracy *1100pC range±(5 % of full scale + 7 pC)
1000pC range±(5 % of full scale)
10000pC rang±(5 % of full scale)
Measurement intervalDetermined based on the measured values in each cycle of an applied voltage.
Hold functionThe electric charge after a test is finished is held while the pass judgment is displayed.
Maximum electrostatic capacity of the EUT10 nF
Peak hold functionHolds the maximum value during a measurement.
Filter functionA low-pass filter can be inserted into the electric charge measurement circuit.
Discharge inception voltage, discharge inception voltage measurementMeasures the voltage at which discharge exceeding a preset electric charge starts and the voltage at which discharge ceases (complies with IEC60664-1 third edition).
Calibration (Precalibration)Calibrate using the built-in calibration capacitor (1000 pF).
Pulse counting function Counts the number of pulses that have passed through the high-pass filter and makes a FAIL judgment if the count exceeds the upper limit.
Upper limit setting range1 to 100000
BPF characteristics switching function Can switch the characteristics of the band-pass filter in the electric charge measuring circuit
Center frequency100 kHz / 160 kHz / 300 kHz
Coupling capacitor0.01 μF

*1 When Band Pass Filter is set to 160 kHz.

Judgment feature

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AC output sectionTOS9301PD
Electric discharge judgmentThe output is shut off when a judgment is made.
UPPER FAIL (Current)Judgment methodA current higher than or equal to the upper limit is measured.
Display“Upper-FAIL (Current)” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe Upper-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
UPPER FAIL (Coulomb)Judgment methodAn electric charge greater than or equal to the upper limit is measured.
Display“Upper-FAIL (Coulomb)” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe Upper-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
UPPER FAIL (Pulse)Judgment methodA discharge pulse count greater than or equal to the upper limit is measured.
Display“Upper-FAIL (Pulse)” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe Upper-FAIL signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
PASSJudgment methodUpper-FAIL does not happen after the test time has elapsed.
Display“PASS” is displayed.
SIGNAL I/OThe PASS signal is generated for the length of time specified by the Pass Hold set-ting. If Pass Hold is set to Infinity, the PASS signal is generated continuously until a STOP signal is received.
Upper current limit50 mA (with no calibration)
Upper limit of electric charge (Upper Coulomb)Setting range1 pC to 10000 pC
AccuracyAs per the accuracy of electric charge measurement
Pulse count judgment criteria (Upper Pulse Count) setting range1 to 100000 (with no calibration)

Timer function

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AC output sectionTOS9301PD
Voltage rise time (Rise Time) setting range0.1 s to 200.0 s
Voltage fall time (Fall Time) setting range *10.1 s to 200.0 s, OFF
Test time setting range0.1 s to 1000.0 s, OFF
Accuracy±(100 ppm of setting + 20 ms) (excluding Fall Time)

*1 This setting is used only when PASS judgment occurs.

Other specifications

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AC output sectionTOS9301PD
Analog monitor *1 Outputs a voltage signal according to the current waveform, voltage waveform, or electric discharge waveforms.
VVoltage waveform: Scale 1kV/1V
QpdElectric discharge: Full scale of the scale measurement range/10 V
Ipd *2Partial discharge current waveform

*1 Monitor signal output is isolated from the chassis (earth). *2 The lpd waveforms are the ones that can be obtained after the actual discharge waveforms have passed the TOS9301PD measurement filter. Therefore, the scale varies according to the frequency response of the discharge waveform.

Interface (Common)

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REMOTE5-pin DIN connector. Connect the following option to remotely control the starting and stopping of tests.
  • Remote control box RC01-TOS, RC02-TOS
  • High voltage test probe HP01A-TOS, HP02A-TOS (when the test voltage is 4 kVac 5 kVdc or less)
SIGNAL I/OD-sub 37-pin connector. For the pin arrangement
FunctionEnable/disable interlock, recall setup memories, recall auto test programs, start/stop testing, monitor the test and voltage generation status, monitor the test status, monitor judgment results, monitor the step execution status of auto tests, monitor the activation status of protection functions
Input specifications The input signals are all low-active control. The input terminal is pulled up to +12 V by a resistor. Leaving the input terminal open is equivalent to applying a high level signal.
High-level input voltage11 V to 15 V
Low-level input voltage0 V to 4 V
Low-level input current-5 mA max.
Input time width5 ms min.
Output specificationsOutput methodOpen collector output (4.5 Vdc to 30 Vdc)
Output withstanding voltage30 Vdc
Output saturation voltageApprox. 1.1 V (25 °C)
Maximum output current400 mA(TOTAL)
STATUS OUTOutput terminal of an option product.
Positive terminal (red)Outputs +24 V. Use Status Out of CONFIG settings to set the output conditions.
Negative terminal (black)+24 V circuit common.
SCANNERMINI DIN 8-pin connector. Terminal for the optional TOS9320 high voltage scanner. The maximum number of connections is 4 devices(16 channels).
USB (host)Standard type A socket, FAT32, 32 GB or less Complies with the USB 2.0 specifications; data rate: 12 Mbps (full speed)
Remote controlAll functions except turning on and off the power, key lock, and auto test can be remotely controlled.
RS232CHardwareD-sub 9-pin connector (EIA-232D compliant) Baud rate: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps Data length: 8 bits; stop bits: 1 bit; parity bit: none, flow control: none/CTS-RTS
Message terminatorLF during reception, LF during transmission.
USB (device)HardwareStandard Type B connector. Complies with the USB 2.0 specifications; data rate: 480 Mbps (high speed)
Message terminatorLF or EOM during reception, LF + EOM during transmission.
Device classComplies with the USBTMC-USB488 device class specifications.
LANHardwareIEEE 802,3 100Base-TX/10Base-T Ethernet. Auto-MDIX compliant.IPv4, RJ-45 connector.
Compliant standardsLXI 1.5 Core Specification 2011
Communication protocolVXI-11, HiSLIP, SCPI-RAW, SCPI-Telnet
Message terminatorVXI-11, HiSLIP: LF or END during reception, LF + END during transmission. SCPI-RAW: LF during reception, LF during transmission.
Display7-inch LCD

Other Functions (Common)

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Auto testAuto execution by combining ACW, DCW, IR, and EC. For LC, a combination is possible only using TC, PCC, and Patient.
Test condition memorySetup MemoryUp to 51 test conditions (ACW, DCW, IR, EC, PD, LC) can be saved.
Program memoryUp to 100 program (ACW, DCW, IR, EC, PD) combinations, each containing 100 steps, can be saved.
Program memory (LC)Up to 100 program (TC, PCC, Patient) combinations, each containing 100 steps, can be saved.
Test result memoryRecords up to 1000 latest test result of independent tests and auto tests. These are cleared when the power is turned off. Test results can be saved in CSV format to a USB memory device.
System clock For recording the calibration time and test times
Recordable timeUp to year 2038
Calibration period settingDisplays a warning at power-on when the specified period passes. Select whether to activate a protection function or only display a warning in the display area when a warning occurs.
Display of measured values Maximum and minimum measurements can be displayed.
NormalDisplays measurements during a test. Maximum and minimum values are not held.
Maximum and minimum value displayDisplays the maximum current measurement for withstanding voltage (ACW/DCW) tests, the minimum resistance measurement for insulation resistance (IR) tests, the resistance measurement or voltage measurement for earth continuity (EC) tests.
Test start methodDouble ActionWhen you press STOP, “READY” is shown for 0.5 seconds. A test starts only when you press START within this period.
MomentaryTests are only executed while the START switch is held down.
Start LongA test starts only when the START switch is held down for at least 1 second.
PASS judgment display time (Pass Hold)Set the time to hold the pass judgment result display (0.05 s to 10.00 s) or hold it until STOP is pressed (Infinity).
STOP signal disable (Fail Mode)It is possible to set the instrument so that fail judgment results and PROTECTION mode cannot be released from a device connected to the SIGNAL I/O connector or REMOTE connector.
Key lockLock the operation of the keys to prevent changing the settings or overwriting memory or programs by mistake.
Protection functions If a protection function is activated during a test, the output is shut off and the test is stopped immediately.In an LC test, the power supply to the EUT is stopped, and the A and B terminals are opened.Conditions that cause a protection function to be activated are as follows.
INTERLOCKInterlock is activated.
POWER SUPPLYThere is an error in the power supply section.
OUTPUT ERRORAn output voltage outside of the following range is detected. ACW, DCW, IR test, PD test: ±(10 % of setting + 50 V) EC test: ±(10 % of setting + 2 A)
OVER LOADAn output power or output current outside of the following range is detected.
ACW: 550 VA, DCW: 110 W or 50 mA, IR (7200 V test): 110 W or 25 mA, IR (-1000 V test): 2 mA, EC: 240 VA, LC: AC LINE OUT current at approx. 15.7 A or power at 1600 VA.
OVER HEATThe internal temperature of the product is abnormally high.
OVER RATINGDuring a withstanding voltage test, an output current is generated for a length of time that exceeds the output time limit.
CALThe preset calibration period is exceeded.
REMOTEThe REMOTE connector is connected or disconnected.
SIGNAL I/OThere is a change in the SIGNAL I/O connector’s ENABLE signal.
COMMUNICATIONAn internal communication error is occurring.
OVER RANGEA value exceeding the maximum value of the measurement range is detected.
MEASUREAn error is detected in the LC test measurement check.
SHORTA relay operation error is detected in an LC test.
EARTH FAULTWhen the grounding mode (GND) is set to Guard, abnormal current flows from the high voltage output of this product to ground.
SCAN I/FWhile scanning, the interface cable is disconnected. Or, the channel-assigned scanner is not detected.

Other Functions (Common)

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Backup battery life3 years (at 25 °C or 77 °F)
EnvironmentInstallation locationIndoors, 2000 m or less
Spec guaranteed rangeTemperature5 °C to 35 °C (41 °F to 95 °F)(18 °C to 28 °C for partial discharge tests)
Humidity20 %rh to 80 %rh (20 %rh to 70 %rh for partial discharge tests)(no condensation)
Operating rangeTemperature0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)
Humidity20 %rh to 80 %rh (no condensation)
Storage rangeTemperature-20 °C to 70 °C (-4 °F to 158 °F)
Humidity90 %rh or less (no condensation)
Power supplyNominal voltage range (allowable voltage range)100 Vac to 120 V, 200 V to 240 V (90 Vac to 132 V, 170 V to 250 V)
Power consumptionNo load(READY state)100 VA or less
Rated load800 VA max.
Allowable frequency range47 Hz to 63 Hz
Insulation resistance (between AC LINE and chassis)30 MΩ or more (500 Vdc)
Withstanding voltage (between AC LINE and chassis)1500 Vac, 1 minute, 20 mA or less
Earth continuity25 Aac, 0.1 Ω or less
WeightApprox. 17 kgApprox. 18 kgApprox. 22 kgApprox. 20 kgApprox. 21 kgApprox. 22 kg
AccessoriesPower cord (1 pc., *length: 2.5 m : The attached power cord varies depending on the shipment destination.), High-voltage test lead: TL31-TOS (1 pair), SIGNAL I/O plug (1 set), High-voltage warning sticker (1 pc.), Setup Guide (1 copy), CD-ROM (1 disc), Safety Information (1 copy), Heavy object warning label (1 pc., *Not included with the TOS9300), Test leads for earth continuity test: TL13-TOS (1 pair., *TOS9302, TOS9303,TOS9303LC only), [TOS9303LC only: Spare fuse (1 pc.), Test leads for leakage current test (2 red, 1 black), Flat probe (1 sheet)]
Electromagnetic compatibility *1 *2Complies with the requirements of the following directive and standards. EMC Directive 2014/30/EU EN 61326-1 (Class A *3), EN 55011 (Class A *3, Group 1 *4), EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3 Applicable under the following conditions The maximum length of all cabling and wiring connected to the product must be less than 2.5 m.Shielded cables are being used when using the SIGNAL I/O.The high-voltage test lead TL31-TOS is in use.Electrical discharges are applied only to the EUT.
Safety *1Complies with the requirements of the following directive and standards. Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU *2, EN 61010-1 (Class I *5 , Pollution Degree 2 *6)

*1 Does not apply to specially ordered or modified products. *2 Only on models that have CE/UKCA marking on the panel. *3 This is a Class A instrument. This product is intended for use in an industrial environment. This product may cause interference if used in residential areas. Such use must be avoided unless the user takes special measures to reduce electromagnetic emissions to prevent interference to the reception of radio and television broadcasts. *4 This is a Group 1 instrument. This product does not generate and/or use intentionally radio-frequency energy, in the form of electromagnetic radiation, inductive and/or capacitive coupling, for the treatment of material or inspection/analysis purpose. *5 This is a Class I instrument. Be sure to ground this product’s protective conductor terminal. The safety of this product is guaranteed only when the product is properly grounded. *6 Pollution is addition of foreign matter (solid, liquid or gaseous) that may produce a reduction of dielectric strength or surface resistivity. Pollution Degree 2 assumes that only non- conductive pollution will occur except for an occasional temporary conductivity caused by condensation.

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